Charles Cherney122: The Young Girls Turns 55The Young Girls Turns 25 is a 1993 French documentary film directed by Agnès Varda, about Jacques Demy's 1967 musical film The Young...
Charles Cherney82: Dekalog 9 - KieślowskiI am working my way through watching again Dekalog (The Decalogue) - a 1989 Polish television drama series directed by Krzysztof...
Charles Cherney81: Dekalog 8 - KieślowskiI am working my way through watching again Dekalog (The Decalogue) - a 1989 Polish television drama series directed by Krzysztof...
Charles Cherney80: Dekalog 7 - KieślowskiI am working my way through watching again Dekalog (The Decalogue) - a 1989 Polish television drama series directed by Krzysztof...
Charles Cherney75: Dekalog 6 - KieślowskiI am working my way through watching again Dekalog (The Decalogue) - a 1989 Polish television drama series directed by Krzysztof...
Charles Cherney71: Dekalog 5 - KieślowskiI am working my way through watching again Dekalog (The Decalogue) - a 1989 Polish television drama series directed by Krzysztof...
Charles Cherney45: In the Mood for LoveAs noted on Wikipedia, In the Mood for Love (2000) is a Hong Kong romantic drama film written, produced, and directed by Wong Kar-wai. It...
Charles Cherney37: Chanson d'Andy - Gene KellyWhen asked what my favorite movie is of all time, my answer is The Young Girls of Rochefort (French: Les Demoiselles de Rochefort;...
Charles Cherney31: The Wind Blows - "Blow Up"One of my favorite films is Blow Up. As noted on Wikipedia, Blow Up (1966) is a mystery thriller film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni....