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Charles Cherney
139: Clean Windows
“Don’t just fix problems, avoid problems.” Joe Rand shares this bit of wisdom in his book How to be a Great Real Estate Agent. Of course,...

Charles Cherney
108: Dan Sullivan - The Happiness Decision
I learned about Dan Sullivan, a coach for entrepreneurs, from Benjamin Hardy. Dan’s YouTube channel – Strategic Coach – has some...

Charles Cherney
105: Be Like Amazon
Be Like Amazon: Even a Lemonade Stand Can Do It (2017) by Jeffrey and Bryan Eisenberg calls attention to the Four Pillars of Amazon.

Charles Cherney
95: We Believe
"Sunshine," the old man said, "You'll find your corporate 'Why' when you write 10 true sentences that each start with 'We believe..."

Charles Cherney
91: 5 Business Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Business - Jimmy Mackin
Recently, I listened to a fantastic podcast with Realtor Kyle Malnati and special guest Jimmy Mackin, co-founder of Curaytor, a company...

Charles Cherney
90: Giving Without Expectation - Bernadette Jiwa
Recently, I discovered Bernadette Jiwa, an expert in story skills and brand storytelling strategy who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She...

Charles Cherney
86: "Know What Your Finish Line is and Work Backwards" - Gary Vaynerchuk
Love this video from Gary Vaynerchuk. Self awareness. Hard work. Gratitude. There's more to learn in this 18-minute video than most...

Charles Cherney
85: The Boron Letters - Gary Halbert
Gary Halbert is among the great icons of copywriting. He passed away in 2007. I became aware of him recently and picked up a copy his...

Charles Cherney
62: Networking
Harvard invited me as an alum to participate in an event for Harvard college students this evening about how to network. I think it's...

Charles Cherney
35: First Impressions - Vanessa Van Edwards
I am rereading Vanessa Van Edward's book Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People (2017). The book is divided into three...

Charles Cherney
34: Three Best Sales Questions - Chris Smith
I enjoyed listening again to the podcast Calls With Chris Smith Episode 5: The Three Best Sales Questions. The questions are from Ago...

Charles Cherney
32: Your Website - Bernadette Jiwa
I am reading Make Your Idea Matter: Stand Out with a Better Story (2012) by Bernadette Jiwa. Excellent book. In it, Jiwa asks the...

Charles Cherney
24: Cleanliness
I travelled home yesterday from Florida after the holidays. The scheduled Uber for the ride to the airport came ten minutes late. That...

Charles Cherney
23: Life Lessons - Warren Buffett
Billionaire Warren Buffett has lived in the same house and driven the same car for years. He has also banked on these five practical life...

Charles Cherney
22: Lessons Learned - Wilco de Kreij
I stumbled upon this video from Wilco de Kreij, an online entrepreneur from the Netherlands. Never heard of him? Me neither. However,...

Charles Cherney
20: Giving While Living - Chuck Feeney
Irish-American Chuck Feeney is an incredible person. Born into a modest family in New Jersey in the Great Depression, he served as a...

Charles Cherney
17: Little Things - Chris Smith
I listened this morning to an episode of the "Calls with Chris Smith" podcast - Little Things Make the Largest Impact. In this episode,...

Charles Cherney
16: We See You - Bernadette Jiwa
I have just finished reading Bernadatte Jiwa's business book "The Fortune Cookie Principle." (2012). Jiwa concludes by saying,"The goal...

Charles Cherney
12: Raise Your Standards - Tom Bilyeu
In 2018, I discovered Tom Bilyeu, a successful American entrepreneur who is now building Impact Theory, a company committed to ending the...

Charles Cherney
8: Creating Our Way - Bernadette Jiwa
I have just read Bernadette Jiwa's book "Story Driven" (2018). Jiwa closes her book by asking, "What does your good day look like?" "What...
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