Aiming to give rather than to get is a mindset and way of being that makes for a more meaningful life.
As a Realtor, I work with buyers and sellers. With my clients, I aim to give rather than to get.
With regard to my buyer clients, aiming to give means giving my honest opinion about a property of interest; completing an informed valuation analysis; doing my job. It does NOT mean getting a deal done for the sake of a commission. My goal is to help each buyer client buy the right home.
With regard to my seller clients, aiming to give means giving my honest opinion about the best steps to take before coming on the market; completing an informed valuation analysis of the seller's home; doing my job. It does NOT mean just listing and selling for any price. My goal is to help each seller client sell for the best price.
With both my buyer and seller clients, aiming to give means remaining in regular communication. Paying attention. And delivering value on a regular basis. Namely, offering insights and making good decisions and helping my clients advance forward.
I am not perfect. No one is. What's perfect is my goal. Namely, to give. It's a mindset that makes all the difference. It beats living in fear and doing things for the money. Giving without the expectation of return leads to a very rich life.